Free Webinar/Teleseminar

WebinarDr. Margaret Paul offers two free Webinar that can help you with your Inner Bonding process, and that introduces you to courses that will also be helpful to you.

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Daily Inspiration

Wrinkles are dimples with wisdom and knowing eyes learn from innocence. So it would follow when the child ceases to be, the adult fails to grow.


"I learned so much not only from my own Intensive work, but from others as well. My connection to Guidance became even more clear as the deep inner work continued. Thank you Inner Bonding for the space to heal." Santa Fe Intensives, 10/06

"I've been on a journey to 'find myself' for a while now. That included attending Tony Robbins' Mastery University and having counseling. Something was missing though. I knew the answers were inside me but hadn't found the tools yet to access them. Margaret gave me the tools and it was light a light bulb! This makes so much sense to pay attention to myself, ask myself - honor myself.. She was excellent - compelling, passionate, loving - one of the best [leaders] I've had." April, 1998
Debbie Wexler

"Experiencing the whole process was so helpful. It filled in so many gaps in my growth experience. I've made a commitment to work on my process and practice the steps daily." Los Angeles, May 2000
Deanna Seiler

"I found the Intensive really useful.  It was an uplifting experience to hear that many people have issues that need to be worked on.  Many of my own reflections were re-affirmed through the process of one to ones and hearing others.  The environment was very welcoming and the Sophia retreat centre was very comfortable.  Also, to meet such a lovely group of people was very uplifting." Durango, CO Intensive, 4/08
Bryan Berry

The Ossining, New York, Intensive in June 2003 was an extremely safe, fantastically fun and deeply healing experience! It is evident that Nancy Weston and Michael Barmack have done huge amounts of personal healing using the Inner Bonding Process. They each have tremendous respect for individual process and allow participants to chart their own course of healing utilizing the tools of Inner Bonding. I highly recommend an intensive to anyone who is interested in deep exploration of themselves. It was truly a gift to be a participant at the first Innerbonding intensive hosted by trained facilitators Nancy Weston, Michael Barmack and facilitator in training, Nancy Swisher.
Kate Reardon

'I have tried many healing methods and spiritual paths, and nothing has ever given me so much personal empowerment to heal myself and be responsible for myself.  The process is inspired yet concrete and totally applicable in everyday life.' LA Workshop, 3.7.10

Maggie Hollinbeck

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Wrinkles are dimples with wisdom and knowing eyes learn from innocence. So it would follow when the child ceases to be, the adult fails to grow.



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