What do Your Children Really Need From You?

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There are many good parenting books, but it can get confusing.  Here we offer you some ideas about what your children really need from you to feel loved and valued by you, and to learn to love and value themselves.


What do Your Children Really Need From You?






Daily Inspiration

Do you believe that if you punish someone you love with anger and withdrawal, they will change and be the way you want them to be? They may sometimes do what you want to avoid your anger or withdrawal, but they will not love you more - you cannot control their love. Today, remember why you love them.


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Do you believe that if you punish someone you love with anger and withdrawal, they will change and be the way you want them to be? They may sometimes do what you want to avoid your anger or withdrawal, but they will not love you more - you cannot control their love. Today, remember why you love them.



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